“Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.” ~ Robert Frost

Ye Olde Assorted Nonsense 

Donovan Street Press Inc.


Three Fave Books
Books, Publishing, Marketing Joe Mahoney Books, Publishing, Marketing Joe Mahoney

Three Fave Books

Recently I was invited to participate in a terrific project by the folks at Shepherd, led by Ben Fox. The whole project is about leading readers to books. Some pundits think the book is dead or dying. Ben sure doesn’t. He’s almost single-handedly trying to revitalize book discovery. And as an author, I sure appreciate it.

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Reflections on a Book Launch
Publishing, Marketing, Fiction, Life, Friends, Name Dropping Joe Mahoney Publishing, Marketing, Fiction, Life, Friends, Name Dropping Joe Mahoney

Reflections on a Book Launch

“How’d the book launch go?” somebody asked me the other day.

There aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to answer that question.

“Amazing,” I tried.

I could also have said, “Magic.” Or: “One of the best days of my life.”

All completely true. Certainly the beginning of an answer.

Here’s a longer answer.

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