“Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.” ~ Robert Frost
Ye Olde Assorted Nonsense
Donovan Street Press Inc.
![The Reunion](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/63c1948c2c426e33635b1793/1692918123372-GEKCXU8J541U4GWOKN4Q/Joe+and+Miriam+RTA+Reunion.jpeg)
The Reunion
This was an interesting experience.
I think a lot of us that attended were skeptical whether we'd have a good time. And afterward a lot of us were amazed that we'd had such a good time. In retrospect maybe this shouldn't be such a surprise. RTA was a program of like-minded people. Maybe it shouldn't come as such a surprise that we'd be comfortable with one another after so much time.
- A Time and a Place
- Adventures in the Radio Trade
- Anindita Banerjee
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- John Robert Colombo
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