“Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.” ~ Robert Frost

Ye Olde Assorted Nonsense 

Donovan Street Press Inc.


Reflections on a Book Launch
Publishing, Marketing, Fiction, Life, Friends, Name Dropping Joe Mahoney Publishing, Marketing, Fiction, Life, Friends, Name Dropping Joe Mahoney

Reflections on a Book Launch

“How’d the book launch go?” somebody asked me the other day.

There aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to answer that question.

“Amazing,” I tried.

I could also have said, “Magic.” Or: “One of the best days of my life.”

All completely true. Certainly the beginning of an answer.

Here’s a longer answer.

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Of Novels and Nephews
Health, Publishing, Conferences, Life Joe Mahoney Health, Publishing, Conferences, Life Joe Mahoney

Of Novels and Nephews

My novel, A Time and a Place, is about an uncle trying to save his nephew. The nephew’s name is Ridley. I wrote the first draft (and named the characters) long before Ryley was born. Like the uncle in my novel, I once turned into a seagull to try to save my nephew. No, wait, that didn’t happen. But the fact that I should be offered a publishing deal for a book about an uncle trying to save his nephew on a weekend that I would be visiting a nephew in serious trouble struck me as eerily coincidental.

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