“Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.” ~ Robert Frost
Ye Olde Assorted Nonsense
Donovan Street Press Inc.
Whenever you write and publish a book, you do your best to get it right. Make it as perfect as possible. It’s really difficult to accomplish that, even with the best of editors, which I had while putting Adventures in the Radio Trade together.
Since the book’s publication I have become aware of a few little glitches. The following errors, typos and omissions were all my fault, introduced after the substantive edit of the book, or simply not the sort of thing an editor could catch.
The beauty of owning your own publishing company, which I do, means that one can fix such glitches with relative ease.
- A Time and a Place
- Adventures in the Radio Trade
- Anindita Banerjee
- Anxiety
- art
- Art
- authors
- avery olive
- Book Discovery
- Booklist
- books
- Books
- Cats
- CBC Radio
- creativity
- Fiction
- Friends
- Halifax Donair
- Indy publishing
- Jian Ghomeshi
- John Corcelli
- John Robert Colombo
- karate
- Life
- Louise Penny
- Mark A. Rayner
- Marketing
- marketing
- martial arts
- Mastering
- memoir
- Memoir
- Mental Health
- morphine
- New Brunswick
- Novels
- Peter Pan
- publishing
- Publishing
- Radio and Television Arts
- Robert Runte
- Ryerson
- Salvadore Dali
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- Velos Pizza
- Wally Slocki
- writing