“Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense.” ~ Robert Frost

Ye Olde Assorted Nonsense 

Donovan Street Press Inc.


Dear Author Joe
Marketing, Publishing, Life Joe Mahoney Marketing, Publishing, Life Joe Mahoney

Dear Author Joe

The one sure way to make money in publishing is off the backs of gullible authors. Offering dubious marketing schemes, for example.

If I had any brains at all I would give up my foolish dream of making a go of it as an author and immediately start exploiting my fellow authors for all they’re worth. I would likely make a mint.

I would certainly be better at it than the fellow who attempted to exploit me today.

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Peter Pan
Reviews, Fiction Joe Mahoney Reviews, Fiction Joe Mahoney

Peter Pan

Peter Pan, by Scottish writer J.M. Barrie.

A play turned novel, published in 1911.

I can hardly believe I’ve never read it before, but I haven’t. I’ve seen a version of the play, in Stratford. I don’t remember much of the play. Saw the Spielberg movie Hook; don’t remember much of that either.

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